+492112009244 hermes@26262.academy

Role-based classroom trainings – Work-related learning

Your employees learn practically, which requirements of ISO 26262 are important for their day-to-day work. Which safety activities they have to perform. With whom they have to communicate. What responsibility they have. Sparing nonessential topics your employees just learn what they need for their area of work. They can ask questions which are immediately and competently answered by the trainer.

Role-based training in a brick-and-mortar classroom or a virtual classroom


We conduct our conventional role-based classroom trainings at your site. The participants of the training group work in the same role, so we can impart the specific knowledge for this role. That way your employees learn about functional safety exactly what they need for their work.


Owing to the trainer’s extensive practical experience these trainings by no means are tedious theory but are loaded with practical examples from the working field of the participants. The trainer interacts with the participants to address their learning needs. There is plenty of time to answer all of the participants’ individual questions about functional safety.


We also offer our role-base classroom trainings as virtual events. Just as in the brick-and-mortar classroom, in the virtual classroom the trainer intensively interacts with the participants. That way they not just passively consume but actively partake in the training. Virtual classroom events allow for dividing the course, which we highly recommend. For example, a one-day training could be conducted in two half-day sessions.

Blended Learning – flexible and efficient trainings for your employees


Blended Learning combines the pros of learning online and making practical exercises in a seminar. No matter where in the world your employees are, they will learn the functional safety theory with flexible cost-saving online-elements. For their precise domain. The online tutorials are followed by a practical course. Your employees will practice exactly the tasks which are important for their day-to-day work.

Blended learning concept

Our blended learning concept divides the functional safety knowledge and skills to be acquired into a theoretical and a practical portion.


The theory is taught online, mostly by means of learning videos and webinars. Are your employees distributed all over the world? The teaching of the theoretical portion comes with neither time delay nor travel costs. However, online learning has many advantages even if all participants work in one place – they can learn in smaller portions, repeat a lesson and learn at their individual speed.


When the theoretical knowledge has been taken in, the trainer comes and sees your employees. He offers practical exercises for the safety activities that your employees are to perform in their daily work. Are their company-specific features to be taught? We gladly integrate these into the practical exercises. 


To perfectly benefit from a blended learning it is important that there is no major time gap between the theoretical lessons and the practical exercises. If the theoretical knowledge has been forgotten, the practical exercises can not be performed efficiently.

Virtual mentoring – Effective learning by supervised doing


Mentoring is ideal for learning the practical implementation of functional safety in the course of the everyday project activities. The mentor keeps a close eye on the safety activities performed by the mentees. Errors will be learned from quickly or they won’t even be made.  Motivation is high, because it is not just about theoretical learning or practising using examples, but it is about producing work results in their project. The mentees will remember the  learned facts and skills for a long time.

Discover our IPAD method of mentoring


During the input phase the mentee acquires the theoretical knowledge he needs to cope with his specific task.

This transfer of knowledge by the mentor takes place in a classroom or virtual classroom. 


In the process phase the mentee digests the acquired knowledge and makes use of it. The mentor supports the learning process by means of reflection questions and by answering the mentee’s questions arising from the practical application.

This communication is accomplished by e-mail, telephone, webinar. 


In the adapt phase the mentee is in the middle of the practical application. The mentor supports the mentee in mastering the tasks when needed.

The support during this learning step is given via webinar or telephone.


To conclude the training, mentor and mentee discuss the practical success of the mentoring and the mentor gives feedback to the mentee.

This feedback discussion is held as a webinar or a face-to-face-discussion. 


During the input phase the mentee acquires the theoretical knowledge he needs to cope with his specific task.

This transfer of knowledge by the mentor takes place in a classroom or virtual classroom.


In the process phase the mentee digests the acquired knowledge and makes use of it. The mentor supports the learning process by means of reflection questions and by answering the mentee’s questions arising from the practical application.

This communication is accomplished by e-mail, telephone, webinar.


In the adapt phase the mentee is in the middle of the practical application. The mentor supports the mentee in mastering the tasks when needed.

The support during this learning step is given via webinar or telephone. 


To conclude the training, mentor and mentee discuss the practical success of the mentoring and the mentor gives feedback to the mentee.

This feedback discussion is held as a webinar or a face-to-face-discussion.

Your instructor and mentor

Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Hermes has been working in the field of safety-critical product development for 20 years. In 2012 he founded his functional safety engineering office. He sets his focus on the automotive and agricultural sector. Jörg Hermes is your contact for all kinds of trainings, whether classroom training, virtual training, mentoring or e-learning.

Contact Jörg Hermes now to discuss your training needs!


Role-based trainings

Method trainings


Ways of training

Classroom training

Virtual classroom

Blended learning


Your trainer

Functional Safety Academy



Online library




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