+492112009244 hermes@26262.academy

Topics of previous barcamps

Functional Safety Barcamp topics 2022

6th FS-Barcamp 2023

SEooC Curse or Blessing
ASIL A for Availability of Non-redundant Systems
Min Component Diagnostic Coverage & TC39x FMEDA
Random Software Failures
Safety Analysis Report Content
Safety Management System and the Role of FuSa in the Company
FMEDA & Testing
Independence of Assessors in SMEs
DFA: Approach, Report
Medini Exchange of Experience
AI vs. Safety – Opportunities and 8-11
GSN meets MBSA & Use of GSN in the Safety Case
Aurix TC3x Pitfall PMS
FSM vs. FSE: Swiss Army Knife?
Functional Safety Barcamp topics 2022
Functional Safety Barcamp session

5th FS-Barcamp 2022

SW Integration & Testing – Are you already integrating or still testing?
Safety & Security Synergies
Safety SW Analysis – Differentiation DFA -> Redundancy
Safety Plan in < 4 weeks
Level of Maturity Models Sample & Release
Worst Case Approach – Failure Rate Calculation
Tool Qualification
DFA Approaches
Platform Effectiveness & Reuse of Safety Documents
Safety & AI/ML Will the topic become relevant
Fault Injection Tests – FMEDA and Test
Tools / Toolchain – Exchange of experience
DC with multiple safety mechanisms
Describing diagnoses in HSI or TSC.
Organizational forms for safety team.

3rd FS barcamp 2018

FS roles: boundaries, advantages / disadvantages
Influence of safety on the PEP (product engineering process)
Inspection: practical examples
How can safety thinking be introduced into the company / the project team?
Sensor / actuator technology: Association with the safety context (effect chain)
Network of standards
Processes, methods, tools (PMT): How do you define PMT? Where do you integrate them? (Audit/ASPICE)
FuSa vs. SPICE: process argument (process is applied)
FuSa + Security = 1 Man?
How can security be integrated into safety?
Safety training without powerpoint slides
The big picture: The desire to capture the big system picture with its safety aspects
Qualification of  test benches: Approaches and experiences in other companies
FSC + HARA on ones own: How does this go on without OEM involvement?
S-Rating: is this fair?

2nd FS barcamp 2017

Safety Management in agile environments (Scrum)
Measures for the safety culture
Communication in distributed projects
Cyber security
Functional safety and security – interfaces and contrasts
SW tool qualification
Proven in Use in practice
FMEDA in practice
Traceability and evidence of design levels in the development cycle
From the functional safety concept to the technical safety concept
Requirements of functional safety to model-based development
Efficient integration of functional safety in engineering
Functional safety for core microcontrollers
ISO 13849 practical experiences
Documentation, planning, release and delivery for prototypes / samples
Changes in the ISO 26262 Ed. 2
Efficient assessments
ISO 26262 in the integration of the product life cycle and the homologation

1st FS barcamp 2016

 ISO 26262 Item & Safety Goals
generic FuSa process according to IEC 61508 industry/mechanical engineering-> interface machine safety
interlinked machines of different manufacturers – Best Practice
Predictable misuse
– how to embed into process
FS -> interface to RE?
FS in construction engineering/ in building technology
Decomposition advantages / disadvantages
How is FuSa established in companies?
Collaboration with (int.) OEMs
Who does what? The ideal safety process
Future of FuSa
-new challenges for tools and processes
FuSa Automotive Light – Discussion
Which SW-Tools do you use?
Liability / SEooC


Role-based trainings

Method trainings


Ways of training

Classroom training

Virtual classroom

Blended learning


Your trainer

Functional Safety Academy



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